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La réédition du premier album de Reuben en détails

News du 28.08.2014
Annoncée il y a quelques semaines, la réédition du premier album de Reuben, Racecar Is Racecar Backwards, interviendra finalement le 3 novembre prochain chez Xtra Mile Recordings.

Outre les seize titres de sa version originale, un second disque réuni pas moins de vingt-et-unes démos, raretés et versions live.

Leurs tracklistings respectifs seront les suivants :

CD 1
1. No One Wins The War
2. Horrorshow
3. Stuck In My Throat
4. Oh The Shame
5. Fall Of The Bastille
6. Freddy Kreuger
7. Tonight My Wife Is Your Wife
8. Eating Only Apples
9. Our Song
10. Let's Stop Hanging Out
11. Missing Fingers
12. Song For Saturday
13. Moving To Blackwater
14. Wrong And Sorry
15. Parties Break Hearts
16. Dusk

CD 2
1. No One Wins the War (Live at the BBC)
2. Horrorshow (Live at XFM)
3. Stuck In My Throat (Racecar demo)
4. Oh the Shame (Live at Echo FM)
5. Fall of the Bastille (Live at XFM)
6. Freddy Kreugar (Stakeout demo)
7. Tonight My Wife Is Your Wife (Single version)
8. Eating Only Apples (Live at the BBC)
9. Our Song (Racecar demo)
10. Let's Stop Hanging Out (Live at the Barfly for XFM)
11. Missing Fingers (Live at XFM)
12. Song For Saturday (Live at XFM)
13. Moving to Blackwater (Live at the BBC)
14. Wrong and Sorry (Live at the BBC)
15. Parties Break Hearts (Stakeout demo)
16. Dusk (Racecar demo)
17. Alpha Signal Seven (Live at the BBC)
18. Banner Held High (Racecar demo)
19. Stux (Racecar demo)
20. Fuzz's Birthday Song (Surrey Uni demo)
21. Naked interview on XFM
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